Monday, November 28, 2011

Moving as the Spirit leads!

Well hello my lovely friends :)  it has been quite a while since we chatted.  I wanted to write you and update you on what the Lord is doing next in my life!  Enjoy & I promise I will try to update this more frequently :).

Ever since I was little, I was a planner.  I loved knowing what was going to happen next & plan how I could prepare myself in every aspect for what was in store.  I believe part of this is a gift and blessing from the Lord on how He made me... but I also believe that it can be taken too far.  I leaned too much into my own understanding of things & trusted too much in "plans" which natural made it so I wasn't trusting enough in God and who He was.  Over the past few years, the Lord has been breaking me of this.  Every time I would plan something, and even in good intention, somehow it would not work out.  He is so gracious though to always have something else for us, which is better than we could ever imagine or plan ourselves.  And that's where this next season is going for me... I am walking into the unknown, without a strategic step-by-step plan of what I will be doing... but I have never felt so at peace and so alive and so expectant for the spirit to do what He does best!  I am learning to bend but not break, to be blown by the spirit while being grounded at the same time.  And with each season He takes me higher with Him, and brings me lower in myself, giving me freedom, revelation, restoration & love.  I have no reason to doubt His goodness or to loose hope or trust in Him.

About a week ago I had a plan, and the plan was to return to Hawaii to do an internship with a department there, and then to staff another DTS with the same incredible people I staffed with last time.  But several weeks back, the Lord starting to shift something in my heart.  At first I didn't understand it, and was honestly scared to even pay attention to it because I still had unbelief, doubt & fear in my heart of the unknown, and the "what if" that resided in me.  After 3 weeks of ignoring the nudging of the spirit, I gave it.  I listened, and I began to dream with Him.  I spoke to some incredible people for wisdom and advice... but in the end I knew I just needed the word of the Lord.  Because when all else fails, the word of the Lord does not... it is sturdy, He is trustworthy & someone you can stand on no matter what is going on around you.  So I listened, peacefully expecting the spirit to speak... and He did.

So I am embarking on a new season... I am staying home in North Carolina :).  It is crazy because I've never been excited about this place.  It's always been "get me out!" but when the Lord moves you somewhere, when He speaks things to you, your heart begins to come alive with the things that make His heart come alive... and for now it's this place.  I get to invest in my life, I get to dive deeper into relationships, I get to discover the unknown and sink deeper into Intimacy with the Father in a place where before I was scared to stay.  Isn't He incredible?  He has a perfect love that casts out all fear and He gives me peace that surpasses all my understanding AND it hearts my heart and mind in Him.  He has given me Truth to stand on!
I still don't know practically what it will look like being here, but I have no doubt in my mind that He has it all under control, and He is teaching me to trust Him in places I wouldn't let myself before, and to really become one with Him in ways I didn't know I could.  I am excited! I am expectant! and I am hopefully for what He has.

You can  follow more of these types of

posts about everyday life & what the
Lord is doing by visiting my "Travel Blog"


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