Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trip Into The 60's

No... Not that kind of trip into the 60's ;)....

I have this fascination with different decades.  Not that I don't enjoy the 21st century and all that it has to offer with styles, architecture, fashion, music, etc.etc.  I just think it's fun to take a trip into where we have come from.  Today: We will take a trip through 1960 and some of the fabulous things it offered us, and that we still use/listen to/enjoy in the 21st century.  Take a trip with me won't you?





So whether it's The Beatles, Bob Dylan, John Lennon... or the hair, the jewelery, the bathingsuits... or even the living room... I think I could take a lot away from the 60's.  Plus! The Jesus Movement was in the 60's and who wouldn't want to experience that!
Have a fantastic weekend!

i heart thursdays!

Round 2! Here we are again for i heart thursdays! I am just going to jump right into the lovely treasures that I have found over the past week.  I hope they inspire you!

 [i heart tans & golds, silk polka-dotted shirt & snowy towns]

[i heart all kinds of different mugs, especially this multi-colored ceramic mug]

 [i heart weeping willows & good black and white photography]

[i heart all shades of yellows, cozy sweaters, & fun outfits]

 [i heart these mustache pacifiers]

 [i heart these copper stack-able rings & this warm fall outfit]

 [i heart lovely atmospheres with crumpets & tea as well as truth from the Word]

[i heart this cute saying]

 [I heart these payless boots]

[i heart Josh Garrels music]

 [i heart hand-written letters]

 [i heart bright & fresh colors]

[i heart these suitcases]

 [i heart this outfit & lovely antique mirror]

[i heart this whole scene]

I feel like I just traveled the world through those pictures!  I cannot wait to see more of this beautiful earth that the Lord created.  Do you have any pictures you'd like to see on i heart thursdays! ?  Please email them to me at & I would lov

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Brilliantly Bold: Urban Outfitters

Good day my lovely Wednesday readers!  How is your week going so far?  Fantastic I hope!!  Since I have returned to Hawaii, it has rained quite a bit, which I should have expected.  Usually I wouldn't love it so much, but this time around I have!  I think it's preparing my spirits to go home eventually and curl up in warm clothes with a big comforter & watch movies & drink hot tea.  Sounds lovely doesn't it!?

Something else that I love to do in rainy or cold weather, is look at all the new fashion thats coming around.  As I shared All Things Anthropologie with you yesterday, I thought I would share another one of my favorites with you: Urban Outfitters.  Not only have I found that Urban Outfitters never disappoints, but it always seems to go the extra mile in pulling out the boldness in you to rock new styles!  Here are some of my favorites this time around.

While you're on a roll, make sure to check out their new Fall Catalog!  Have a wonderful day :)
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