Friday, August 5, 2011

The Good Life...

How was your weekend!?  Were you inspired by anything new or blessed with anything old? I'd love to hear some of your stories!  I had a quite exciting weekend and I got to thinking about what other people would categorize as "the good life."  Is it the people that surround you?  Is it the God who lives inside you?  Is it the money that you make or even the food you bake?  We all have either majorly different answers, or slightly different answers, to this question.  What makes your life "The Good Life"?  Here are a few things that I did over the past couple of days that I would classify as somethings that made my life really good.

 Going to see "Nefarious" with my lovely OC ladies!

Being there for my moms first In-N-Out experience!!!

Spending an afternoon in the SoCal sun by the pool!           And discovering this lovely chair in The Hub in the
                                                                                                         back of Newsong.
  Isn't it beautiful!?

Hope this brings a great start to your new week!!  Lets keep in touch, share stories & pictures on what makes our lives so great!


This night my team and I headed to Laguna Niguel here in Southern Cali to watch a film.  Around three hundred people packed the theater, all in anticipation, and all hit with an array emotions some didn't even know they could feel.  Exodus Cry has put out a movie called Nefarious, exposing sex trafficking.  I have seen quite a few films that expose this.  This one, I would say, has to be one of my favorite.  Not only does it really expose it and the reality of the pain and hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but it brings amazing stories of hope at the end.
There are many ways you can get involved.  I would say the most powerful ways are to PRAY and EXPOSE.  Share with your friends about this, have a discussion at a small group about it.  In the end, it's in the Lords hands, but we have been given power through the Holy Spirit to effect lives.  Instead of looking at it as changing it across the globe, which sometimes creates discouragement in us, why don't we look at it as "who is the ONE that I can effect?"

So take a look around the site, post the videos, and pray for the ending of Human Sex Trafficking in THIS generation!  It can be done, and it's on the Fathers heart for it to end.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Night of Goodness

Good morning Thursday readers!  Are you so excited Friday is just around the corner and we hit another great weekend?  I am :).  I just have to tell you about yesterday.  As you know, if you've read some previous posts, I love to cook.  Not only that, but I love to cook GOOD food and have it look really pretty!  So my mom has come out to visit me in CA and we decided to cook for the house that I am living in.  We took the recipe that I posted a few days ago from the Let's Eat! blog post and re-made it.  And I have to just say that it was a hit and incredible!  And it looked beautiful ;).  Enjoy the pictures and please!  If you try it out let us know.  The recipe is super easy and lots of fun.

Dicing tomatoes & carrots :)

And for those of us who are Gluten Free! and trying to desperately to find GOOD
gluten free meals, you can easy just take off the bread and still enjoy all of the yummy flavors!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Treasure Hunts!

Don't feel bad if you opened this thinking it was going to be about finding pirates treasure in the middle of the sea, I actually sometimes think of it that way.  BUT! The treasure hunt that I am talking about is worth even more than a pirates gold hidden deep in the sea.  It's the treasure of the children of God.  You see,  I am in love with Jesus, and as I continue to fall more in love with Him, the amount of love that He shows me, not only for myself, but for all of His children just continues to grow.  He's been showing me that His hearts dream is for each and every single human being to live a lifestyle of deep deep deep intimacy with their creator.  It's doesn't matter what we've done, where we've been... it doesn't matter if we've lived a life of sin, or even a life of doing good... He doesn't care, because He loves us so much that He wants our HEARTS.  There's a verse in 1 Samuel 16:7 that talks about how men look at our outward appearance... the way we dress, how we speak, what we do, etc. etc.  But God doesn't do that.  He looks straight at our heart.  And eventually what is in our hearts will be the overflow of our lives.  So God is after our HEARTS.
Anyways!  Tonight I was with a group of friends.  We get together every Tuesday night to hear the heartbeat of God over our lives and the lives around us.  Tonight, He told us to go out.  So we piled in cars, about 3-5 people in a group, we listened to what Jesus had to say to us individually, and we headed out to an outdoor mall here in California.  We had our lists and we boldly went out, crushing all fear, and stepping out in Faith expecting the Holy Spirit to meet us and lead us.  AND HE DID!  So many people found the exact description of people on their list.  I had a vision of someone in a purple shirt by a fountain.  I went near the fountain I saw, next to Forever 21, and there was a couple sitting there both in purple shirts!  I was able to pray for them, speak life over them, and really give them hope and tell them about Jesus.  Several other people had other stories just like this of hope being given and Jesus being shown.
My aim was not necessarily that we would see tons of crazy miracles and stuff, which would be awesome!  But that we would walk out in complete faith, no matter our outcome because I know that we already live in victory by resurrection through the cross!  We already have the Holy Spirit inside of us.  And so our lives should not be split into sections and dates and times of being led by the Holy Spirit, but a continual lifestyle of Him leading us with every step we take, walking out with Faith and boldness into the most alive places and the most dark places for His glory.  We have eternal life, living inside of us.... resurrection power in side of this fatal body... and we have the power with the Holy Spirit to set captives free, to raise the dead, to break chains, to give Eternal Life to more children of God!  SO no matter what my physical eyes saw tonight, whether we had major fail blogs or visible victories, Jesus Christ was glorified, people were brought hope & truth about who they are, and we broke off fear in the process.  There really is nothing more fun than experiencing life as it should be with Jesus.

Hope this brings you some enjoyment and spurs you on to do the same.  If you have any stories of your own treasure hunts or anything like it, please feel free to share!

Monday, August 1, 2011

One Month Closer!

There's nothing like boots, scarves, layer, close friends, bonfires, your hands wrapped around a warm mug, and more layers!  We are one month closer to fall and I couldn't be more excited.  I've been in the processes of switching out my wardrobe, and have fallen in love with some outfits.  So I thought I'd share some of my favorite findings with you!



After being inspired I took a trip to Buffalo Exchange.  I love this store so much.  Thankfully I have it while being in CA, and will miss it so much when I return home to North Carolina.  Anyways.  I was able to pick up some pretty nail polish and a cute jean dress.  I love the jean dress because I can easily where it in the summer, and then throw on a cardigan and a pair of boots and be set for winter!

Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

By The Sea...

Well G'day friends!!  I hope your weekend was as much fun as mine was & you are enjoying the first day of August.  If you know anything about me, you know I love the sea, people, my friends, I love laughter & I love fun.  Well, Saturday afternoon was packed full of this.  I've been in California for the past 5 weeks and took my first trip to Laguna Beach this weekend.  It was so much fun!  We grabbed some Chipotle for dinner and then headed about 20 minutes south.  Traffic was crazy as you can imagine, but it just made it all for a good experience.  We walked downtown, watched the sunset on the beach, got more wet than I wanted to ;), grabbed some Häagen-Dazs and had such an amazing time with my friends.  Here's a little bit of our adventure.

I hope this brought a great start to your new week!  Have a beautiful one :)
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